Typing Pal’s Home Edition includes an account for the user responsible for the subscription (the primary user) and two accounts for their family members.

Types of Users
- Primary user — This account manages the subscription and its associated users. It can view the activity journals of other users. It can also remove a guest user from the subscription, and it can edit or delete the account of a supervised user.
- Guest user — This account type is linked to an email address and is ideal for teens or other adults in the family.
- Supervised user — This account type is not linked to an email address and is ideal for young children in the family who do not have an email address.
Adding a Guest User
- Click on your username, then on My Settings.
- Select the Users section, then click on the + button to the right of your profile.
- Select the option Invite by email from the drop-down menu.
- Type the guest user’s email and click on Register.
Note — Once an invitation has been sent, the user has two weeks to accept. As long as they have not already accepted, you can click on their profile and select Resend invitation or Cancel invitation.
Tip — To remove a guest user from your subscription, click on your profile to access this option in the menu.
Adding a Supervised User
- Click on your username, then on My Settings.
- Select the Users section, then click on the + button to the right of your profile.
- Select the option New supervised user from the dropdown menu.
- Complete the fields in the form and click on Register.
You can now give your child their username and password to sign in to their account.