Teacher Management

Only the super administrator or a school administrator can manage teacher accounts.

Adding a Teacher

Teacher accounts can be added in two ways:

Manual addition

Click the Teachers tab, then click the Add teacher button. Fill in all the required fields, establish whether that teacher will be able to access all groups in the school or only those groups assigned to them from the Groups drop-down menu and click Add. Repeat for every teacher account.

File import

Import an Excel or CSV file containing all required information for the teachers you want to add.

Editing or Deleting a Teacher Account

Teacher account profiles can be edited from the Teacher Summary screen. Click the Edit button in the Profile panel to update the teacher’s information or change their password.

Teacher accounts can be deleted in two ways:

  • Check the accounts off on the list that appears under the Teachers tab, then select Delete from the More menu. Confirm that you have read the warning in the pop-up window and click Remove.
  • Go to the corresponding Teacher Summary screen and select Delete teacher from the Actions menu. Confirm that you have read the warning in the pop-up window and click Remove.

Note — After a deletion, one or more groups may no longer have an assigned teacher. If this happens, go to the corresponding Group Summary screen, click Edit in the General Information panel and select another teacher from the drop-down menu under Assigned teacher.

Editing Group Access for a Teacher Account

The super administrator or a school administrator can determine whether a teacher has access to all groups in a school or only the groups to which they have been assigned.

Set group access permissions when first creating a teacher account by choosing the appropriate option from the Groups drop-down menu under Access in the Add Teacher form. Edit an existing teacher’s group access permissions by clicking the Edit button in the Access panel on the corresponding Teacher Summary screen.

Editing Teacher Account Permissions

The super administrator or a school administrator can determine teachers in a school are allowed to: add and delete groups, edit groups, add and delete student accounts, edit student accounts, add and delete text collections, edit text collections or reset results.

Change teacher account permissions globally for an entire school by clicking the Edit button in the Teacher privileges panel on the School Summary screen.