How do you type on the computer? Do you use all your fingers or just your index fingers? With the help of the tips below and a little practice, anyone can acquire a good typing method!
Posture and Work Environment
Posture — The ideal posture puts every part of the body in its optimal position. Rest your feet on the floor or on a footrest with your knees bent at a 90° angle. Position your forearms so that the angle of your elbows is between 80° and 160°. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed. Straighten your back and keep your head in line with your torso. Keep your wrists aligned with your forearms.
Screen Distance and Position — Maintain a distance of 45–70 cm between the screen and your eyes. Ideally, the top of the screen should be at eye level.
Lighting — Adjust the lighting of your work environment so that you can easily read documents, and so that you are not blinded by the light from your screen or from the window.
Basic Position
One of the most widespread typing methods involves placing your index fingers on the two embossed keys J and F, with the second, third, and fourth fingers on the adjacent keys of the same row, and the thumbs resting on the space bar. This is called the basic position. After each keystroke, return your fingers to their starting point.

Muscle Memory
To quickly develop typing reflexes, start by focusing on your typing accuracy (not speed) and on maintaining the basic position between each keystroke. By doing so, your fingers will always make the same, correct movement for each of the keys, and the motion will become muscle memory.
In Summary:
- Pay attention to your posture and the ergonomics of your work environment.
- Return your fingers to the basic position after each keystroke.
- Do not look at the keyboard; instead, trust your muscle memory to guide your fingers.
- Practice typing accurately before you try to type quickly. Your speed will gradually improve on its own.
In order to rapidly improve your typing method, we encourage you to use Typing Pal. This simple and effective method used by millions around the world allows you to adopt better typing habits and to correct your bad ones. In just a few weeks, you will develop an essential skill. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran keyboarder, Typing Pal will meet your needs with its wide range of activities!