Druide informatique is delighted to announce that an improved version of Typing Pal Online is now available. The web-based typing tutorial application is easier to access, thanks in large part to the inclusion of Google Sign-In and personalized URLs, while also providing new ways of helping students increase their success rate.
It is now quicker and simpler for users to log into Typing Pal Online because they can do so using a Google account, and administrators have the added ability to create personalized URLs for their schools, for example, lincolnelementary.typingpal.com. These are easier to remember and to transmit to groups of students. The signup and login pages have also been significantly simplified.
In addition, Typing Pal’s content has been vastly expanded with more than 200 new exercises and texts. Timed tests lasting one, two or three minutes provide a different perspective for measuring performance. What’s more, there are several new ways to encourage success among students, including stylish colored badges to reward their accomplishments: there are 54 different badges available, and students will want to collect them all! After an exercise is completed without any mistakes, it gets decorated with elegant gold stars, and students now receive a personalized, printable certificate on successful completion of the final test. Improvements have also been made to the coaches, the students’ learning companions: they have undergone a visual makeover and have new advice and encouragement to give.
Teachers now have more control over the pace of their students’ learning, with the ability to temporarily restrict access to some activities without hiding them. What’s more, a new tab shows teachers statistics for all their groups in a single click; an option previously only available to administrators.
As of today, institutions and individuals with Typing Pal Online subscriptions automatically enjoy these freshly rolled out features and many others. Anyone else wishing to improve their mastery of the keyboard can subscribe to Typing Pal Online at www.typingpal.com.
As well as the renowned Typing Pal, Druide informatique produces and markets Antidote, the most complete writing assistance software suite available for English and French. Seamlessly integrated with major word processors and email programs, Antidote includes an advanced grammar checker with smart filters, a rich collection of dictionaries, and a set of interactive language guides. Druide is also the creator of WebElixir, a quality assurance service for websites.